According to Landscape Architect of the ArchSD, Mr CHAN Chun-ho (centre), and PCPA Play Environment Development Officer, Ms Florence CHIU (right), children including those from special schools have been invited to participate in the design of some of the play equipment, such as the sensory walls, so that they can meet the needs of real users.
According to Landscape Architect of the ArchSD, Mr CHAN Chun-ho (centre), and PCPA Play Environment Development Officer, Ms Florence CHIU (right), children including those from special schools have been invited to participate in the design of some of the play equipment, such as the sensory walls, so that they can meet the needs of real users.
According to Landscape Architect of the ArchSD, Mr CHAN Chun-ho (centre), and PCPA Play Environment Development Officer, Ms Florence CHIU (right), children including those from special schools have been invited to participate in the design of some of the play equipment, such as the sensory walls, so that they can meet the needs of real users.